PlantWise Help

Component Sequence Table Format

The PlantWise connectivity file format (*.rpc) is not part of the Excel import file format. Origin and terminus are defined in the pipeline table and inline components have their set of tables. The final aspect of connectivity is component sequencing and is defined in a separate table.

PW Data Starts
PW Class: Sequence
Pipe Component Ordered
10-215 10-201
10-214 Yes
60-100 10-FE-100 Yes
80-109 80-109_reducer-1 Yes
CV-1496 Yes
reducer-47 Yes
80-122 spec_break89 Yes
80-123 butterfly_valve_80-123 Yes
PW Data Ends

Note that pipelines with multiple inline components are only named once.

Component names are either:
  • the name of the branching pipeline for tees;
  • the tag of the named inline component; or
  • the ID designator for reducers, specification breaks, or user inlines.